Friday, May 11, 2012

Ok, so I have always been into really cheesy phrases, and lately fitness. I borrowed this from a friend's tumblr. She is a fantastic person, and my best friend so I imagine that she will forgive me.

My birthday is coming up! I would really like to reflect on my 18th year of life and say that it was fantastic and magical. But it just was not that great. In fact, it was really difficult. I finished high school, I went off to college. I did awful there socially, emotionally, and my grades were bad. I wasn't as happy, healthy, or as nice as I'd like to be. Overall I am really sad that I didn't like college. I struggle with regrets, I'm consistantly trying to talk myself into not regretting things that I regret. During college I regret that I didn't learn as much as I wish I did, and that I didn't put enough effort into anything. But I think one of my strongest strengths is knowing my weaknesses. 

I have some personal goals for my 19th year of life. I would like to work harder & smarter, be more dedicated, and to slow down. I am constantly in a hurry everywhere I go, and everything that I do. I want to show Roxy, I want to train really hard. I want to take her to a rodeo to run barrels. I would like to run for bulls only rodeo queen. I think that would be really fun for both of us.

What are your summer goals? 


  1. Those sound like great goals :)
    For Max, I'd like to be schooling 2' courses again by end of summer and I'd like to become an overall better rider. I would like to ride bareback more often.
    Personal goals are basically getting my life organized. New job, first house, etc. is exciting but stressful!

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  3. Hmmm. . .summer goals. . .ride Shy. Keep her training up and learn to ride her with more confidence. Keep line driving.
