Sunday, March 4, 2012

Memorabilia Overload

So lately I have written about either past events, or future events. I think this is pretty true for where I am right now in my own adventure in life. I'm not very good at living in the present. However, I plan on using this post to lay out the present right here, right now. I promise to not even mention the future one bit! I won't talk about starting up my own ranch, or taking over KO Korrals, or getting my car fixed, or moving into my own place, or anything! ;)

School- School is a nightmare. A nightmare that I try to avoid speaking about. I am a freshmen, taking classes at community college (CC). Although I dropped all of my courses for the current semester, the CC offers 8 week courses. They start in March. I am signed up for a few, and I plan on participating in at least one of them. We'll see. The toughest part is ordering the books, because I know that my heart isn't in learning this stuff, and I never used my books when I actually attended college. *sigh* moving right along.

Career- I am currently a preschool teacher. I have yet to decide if this role fits me, if I can properly wear this hat. I know that the children are well cared for, and loved. I am very good at this job, but I am not certain if my heart is in it. The school I work for is my mother and sister's, so it is family run and that's kind of cool. My interview was almost a joke because I knew that I was hired before it anyway. It is ok for now though, it pays the bills, and fits right into my schedule.

Horses- I love my horse. I love my horse so very much. And I am such a snob when it comes to anything about her. This woman today came out today to meet me, and see if she wanted her son to take riding lessons, and possibly lease a horse from me. I always walk new clients around and show them the place, so that they see how well cared for and safe the horses are. I show her my horse (whom I had tied because I forgot she was coming and I was getting ready to ride), I told her "This is my mare Roxy".
The woman turns to her son and says "Look, Roxy is a bay like our old horsie!"
"Actually, she's a dun." I snapped, where I quickly caught myself, and lifted her son up and told him "Do you see the stripe down her back?" I then keeled with him and pointed to the inside of her hind legs "She's also got zebra stripes!"

But despite loving my horse, I'm not sure what I want to do with her. She's 10 years old, she can run an amazing barrel pattern, go long and collected for western pleasure, tuck her little head in, and keep contact for english equ, she has great form over jumps, but right now she is a little purposeless. Or maybe I am... I was entertaining the idea of endurance. But it was short lived. Not because Roxy wouldn't be good at it, I'm certain she'd actually be quite competitive, but I wouldn't be. My hips are awful. I am in constant pain, let alone if I ride for too long. How in the world would I condition Roxy for endurance, let alone actually be competitive? Then there are pageants. I could run for Bulls Only Rodeo Queen next year. I think that I would be quite good at it, and I know Roxy would love it. I feel like this future talk is acceptable.

This is the reason that I haven't had any posts about what I am doing with Roxy. Because I feel like I'm not really doing anything. What new obstacle/discipline do you think I should entertain?
What? You want me to do something? 


  1. Replies
    1. I've never really understood teaching a performance horse to drive. I know others have loads of fun, but to me it sounds like buying a lot of expensive tack, that I have no place to store. Maybe one day when I buy myself a big fancy draft horse! Or even on the other end- a mini!

  2. i would say dressage but you already touched on that you didnt think that as much :P
    What about eventing or hunting... or those cross country courses where you get to go super fast and jump but the races are shorter so a little easier on your body :)

    1. I have briefly day dreamed of turning Roxy into a little jumper. She's so lovely, graceful, and built quite correct. But english shows down here are so expensive. I can run for Bulls only for free, a block from my ranch. English shows are like $20 a class, and a 3 hour trail ride north. It's just not realistic unfortunately.

  3. Don't be in a rush to get through college, not til you find a passion anyway!

    What do you really enjoy doing with Roxy?

    1. I think in a slump describes my college experience better. haha

      I like showing her off. She's talented and gorgeous, and I really do enjoy showing the little mare.
